Everest Group, Ltd. Ratings

Everest Group, Ltd. ratings

Ratings of the financial strength and senior debt of Everest Group, Ltd. and/or its member companies are published from time to time by A. M. Best, Standard & Poor's and Moody's. These entities are independent rating organizations that evaluate companies based upon a variety of criteria, all as set forth in each organization's description of its ratings. Each of these entities periodically reviews its ratings, and there can be no assurance that the ratings of Everest Group, Ltd. or its member companies will be maintained in the future.

Financial strength ratings

Operating Entity A.M. Best Moody's Standard & Poor's
Everest Reinsurance Company A+ A1 A+
Everest Reinsurance (Bermuda), Ltd. A+ A1 A+
Everest Reinsurance Company (Ireland), dac A+ N/R A+
Everest National Insurance Company A+ N/R A+
Everest Indemnity Insurance Company A+ N/R A+
Everest Security Insurance Company A+ N/R A+
Everest Insurance Company of Canada A+ N/R A+
Everest International Assurance, Ltd. A+ N/R A+
Everest Denali Insurance Company A+ N/R A+
Everest Premier Insurance Company A+ N/R A+
Everest Insurance (Ireland), dac A+ N/R A+
Everest International Reinsurance, Ltd. A+ N/R A+
Everest Reinsurance Company (Canada Branch) A+ N/R N/R
Not Rated = "N/R"

Long term debt ratings

Company/Debt Type A.M. Best Moody's Standard & Poor's
Everest Group, Ltd.
Senior Unsecured - Shelf a- Baa1 A-
Subordinated - Shelf bbb+ Baa2 NA
Preferred Stock - Shelf bbb Baa3 BBB
Everest Reinsurance Holdings, Inc.
Senior Unsecured a- Baa1 A-
Junior Subordinated bbb Baa2 BBB
Everest Capital Trust II Preferred bbb+ Baa2 BBB